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Här visas ändringar i "Definition av Klar klar" mellan 2010-09-09 15:34 av Mikael Lamming och 2010-09-14 13:24 av Fredrik Jönsson.

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Definition av Klar klar

The Definition of DONE-DONE (taken from the old Koppsteam wiki)¶ Introduction The definition of DONE-DONE in Scrum is defined as the state we want our project increments to be when we are at the end of an iteration. In effect it means things we need to do to be ready for the next delivery. Before a product backlog item can be considered done, the checklist below should be performed.¶ The K2 Definition of DONE-DONE External quality
* Source code delivers requested functionality on the TEST server. This normally means the function has been checked by the PO. This also implies a working delivery on the TEST server.
* Application follows GUI and interaction Design guidelines. If no guideline is found for this particular thing, consider to update the Design guidelines page.
* Acceptance tests for all user stories have been written in collaboration with the PO or at least approved by the PO afterwards. All defined tests for the story pass.
¶ Internal quality
* All production code has been pair programmed. If not, a peer review has been performe
Klar-klar är det tillstånd ett inkrement ska vara i innan det anses vara färdigt. Som vi normalt arbetar innebär det att det för varje användar-story finns ett klar-klar-kort vars syfte är att gå igenom följande checklista och kontrollera att den är uppfylld:
* Källkod och andra relevanta filer är incheckade i versionshanteringsverktyget.
* Källkoden är granskad om den ej är parprogrammera
* The source code follows the project coding standards, see CodingStandard.
* There are unit tests for all new f
Funktionaliteten finns i referensmiljön.
* F
* Code coverage meets project standards: For newly written classes, at least 80%. For edited classes, at least 50%.
* The configuration files and scripts (upgrade_udb.sql and others) for production have been checked and updated if needed.
* Move fitnesse tests from "Current sprint"-page if possible.
¶ Documentation
* Any design decisions that may be relevant to a maintainer have been added to the page for design decisions, see DesignDecisions.
* The release notes have been updated to included the added functionality or changes/fixes.
* If the installation procedure has changed in any way, the installation guidelines must be updated
eten är testad och resultatet dokumenterat.
* Relevant systemdokumentation är uppdaterad eller vid behov utökad eller skapad.
* Resultatet är avstämt med produktägaren.