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Courses for Molecular Science and Engineering

The two-year master's programme in Molecular Science and Engineering consists of three terms of courses and one final term dedicated to the master's degree project. Each term consist of approximately 30 ECTS credits. The courses presented on this page apply to studies starting in autumn 2024.

Year 1

During the master studies one course is mandatory, at least three out of five conditionally elective courses must be chosen, some recommended courses will be taken, 15 credits can be freely chosen according to the above, and the last semester a master thesis project will be performed. It is recommended that the mandatory and conditionally elective courses are taken during the first year, but the student is free to create his or her own schedule during the two years. Note that courses given during the spring semester should be taken in the first year since the master thesis project is scheduled to the spring semester in the second year.

ME2814 can be replaced by the following courses and counted as a recommended course: ME2016 Project Management, Leadership and Control, AL2160 Environmental Management, LS2444 Technical Communication in English(period 1 or 4 in year 2), or corresponding course(s) with a maximum of 7.5 credits. If the student wants to take another course than the ones mentioned here, the program director must approve before the course starts.

Recommended courses may be cancelled if the number of admitted students are less than the minimum of places, or will be given every second year.

Students enrolled in the Degree Programme in Biotechnology, who wants to obtain the Degree of Master of Science in Engineering, Degree Programme in Biotechnology, must take thes following courses;
BB2460 Biocatalysis, 7.5 credits
BB2020 Molecular Enzymology 7.5 credits

Mandatory courses

Year 2

There might be changes. Recommended courses may be cancelled if number of admitted students are less than minimum of places, or will be given every second year.

KD200X Degree Project in Chemistry, Second Cycle can be replaced by the following courses and counted as a mandatory course: KF200X Degree Project in Fibre and Polymer Technology, Second Cycle, KF200X Degree Project in Fibre and Polymer Technology, Second Cycle, or corresponding degree project course at advanced level comprising 30.0 credits.

Mandatory courses

Recommended courses