Kursinformation 2017-2018
The Exam (with suggested solutions) from April 3d 2018
The exam questions without the solutions can be found under this link.
Exam information.
The Exam Questions January 2017
Solution suggestions (In almost perfect handwriting... or maybe not perfect)
The course is approaching its end and it is time to start to think about the final exam. Therefore I have, in an attempt to give some instructions, prepared a summary of the 26 most important parts of the course in the following STUDY GUIDE FOR SF1677. The guide contains also information about the format of the exam.
The following PRACTISE EXAM has the same format as the exam you will get in January.
There are two old exams (for SF2713 which covers the same material):
I have been unable to locate any past exams of SF2713 (which this course replaces) online, in our archives or from the previous examiner. Therefore I have no past exams to give you and since I have not seen any past exam there is a high probability that the exam you will be given looks very different from previous exams.
Course description.
We will cover the fundamentals of classical real analysis. In particular we will cover the real numbers, some topology, analysis in one and several variables. You will have seen much of the material before in the calculus courses from your first year. But this time we will only focus on theory, concepts and understanding (not calculating a million integrals).
Course literature.
We will use Charles C. Pugh's Real mathematical analysis 2nd edition published by Springer. The book is freely downloadable in PDF from the KTH library. We will only cover the first 5 chapters of the text.
Lecture plan.
A detailed plan of the lectures is under construction. The latest version is: Kursplan SF1677(under construction but the first lectures are set, version 6th October).
The course will have two mandatory homework assignments assignments and a written exam (preliminary date: 10th Jan 2017 8:00-13:00).
First Mandatory Homework, Due on October 3rd. Den här vesionen är från den 26e September, två typon är rättade och ett klargörande kring notationen av invers avbildning har laggts till.