Daniel Bosk
About me
I'm a lecturer in computer science at the Division of Theoretical Computer Science since 2020. Previously, I was lecturer in computer engineering at Mid Sweden University since 2011.
I'm interested in e-learning and have developed distance courses/programmes since 2011.
My research interests are didactics and computer security, particularly democracy-enhancing technologies.
Algorithms and Data Structures (DD1338), teacher | Course web
Applied Cryptography (DD2520), course responsible, teacher, assistant | Course web
Computer Introduction (DD1301), examiner, course responsible, assistant | Course web
Computer Security (DD2395), teacher, assistant | Course web
Degree Project in Technology and Learning, Second Cycle (LT200X), teacher | Course web
Programme Integrating Course in Computer Science Engineering (DD1390), assistant | Course web
Programming (DD1337), assistant, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Programming Paradigms (DD1366), teacher | Course web
Programming Techniques (DD1310), examiner, course responsible, assistant | Course web
Programming Techniques (DD1317), examiner, course responsible, assistant | Course web
Software Engineering (DD1385), assistant | Course web
The Cybersecurity Engineer's Role in Society (DD2302), teacher | Course web
The Cybersecurity Engineer's Role in Society (DD2303), teacher | Course web
Theory and Methodology of Science (Natural and Technological Science) (AK2030), teacher | Course web
Theory of Science and Scientific methods in Cybersecurity (DA2215), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Tutoring, Teaching and Learning in Computer Science Education (DA1700), assistant | Course web