Emma Riese will give a seminar at 13:15-14:15, 20th of April 2021.
Assessment can aim to both judge how well the students have fulfilled the intended learning outcomes in a course, and to guide and motivate the students’ learning. Assessment can also aim at providing students with timely and useful feedback to support their learning process. How the assessment is planned and carried out can, therefore, be said to influence the students’ learning. Introductory programming courses, given to non-computer science majors, are often given to a large group of students and to be able to provide individual feedback, teaching assistants (TAs), older students, are often employed to assist the faculty in these courses. Understanding students’, TAs’, and teachers’ experiences and use of the assessment could give us insights into how to further improve these courses in order to enhance learning among the students. During this seminar, Emma will give a brief background to her research and present the results from some of the studies she conducted, where the TAs’ and students’ perspectives have been in focus. She will also present her ongoing research projects, where the teachers’ perspective is being explored. Emma will also outline her vision for her thesis and talk about how she sees the different projects related to her overall thesis aims.
Emma Riese is a PhD student at KTH, now giving her 80% seminar. Anna Eckerdal from Uppsala Computing Education Research Group (UpCERG) at Uppsala University, will act as the opponent during the seminar
If you are interested in listening in, please contact for a link to the seminar.
Our (Olle Bälter, Richard Glassey, Mattias Wiggberg) paper at SIGCSE 21 has been published:
Many online learning initiatives have failed to reach beyond the environments in which they were first developed. One exception is the Open Learning Initiative (OLI) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). In an attempt to validate the question-based learning methodology implemented in OLI, we developed online material for an introductory course in object-oriented programming, and tested it on two course offerings with a total of 70 students. As our course has been given in the same format for several years, we also had comparable assessment data for two classes prior to our intervention in order to determine that we did not introduce any obvious harm with this methodology. Findings show a reduced teaching and learning time by 25%. No statistically significant differences could be found in the results of the assessment quizzes nor confidence surveys completed by the students. The two teachers (the same who handled the classes before the intervention) took different paths to teaching preparations with this new methodology. One teacher increased preparations, whilst the other reduced them, but both teachers were convinced that using online question-based learning was superior to the previous lecture and textbook-based approach, both for the students and themselves in terms of overall satisfaction. We also gathered time logs from the development to estimate return on investment.
Full text open access:
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Olga Viberg and Olle Bälter will, in cooperation with InnoEnergy, present a webinar on Learning analytics on November 21 at 10 am.
Are you already involved in Learning Analytics or want to find out how the new big data era can support your teaching or research activities? Maybe you are skeptical about the current state of Learning Analytics and whether it actually leads to improved learning outcomes? Is it already deployed widely, and used ethically?
Join our free webinar on 21/11 at 10 am to find out and to discover success stories as well as hands-on techniques for data-based improvements of learning material such as used at Stanford Graduate School of Education and Carnegie Mellon University.