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Version skapad av William Sandqvist 2015-08-29 10:23

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Lab1 wiki (en)


Chips and Breadboard


At the labs, we use digital circuits from the so-called 74-series of capsules of the DIL type (Dual In Line) for hole PCB assembly. See the picture. This is today considered to be pure spare parts, and development has changed to completely different package types for surface mounting.

These old circuits, are however unbeatable for experiments with simple connections on the breadboard. Breadboard are now also used with very complex circuits - then mounted on Breakout Board (a breakout board has the same pin spacing DIL) circuits. Working with circuits on the breadboard is therefore the natural working method for project work and theses for school and hobby activities.

Fritzing Is the name of a software for documenting breadboard connections, and generate circuit diagrams, and possibly manufacture printed circuit boards. (This program will be used in the course IE1206 but is not needed for this course). Anyone interested can download it now.

Data sheets for laboration circuits