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An Investigative Eye on the Agile Manifest
Identifying, creating, and developing appropriate work methods for R&D has long been on the agenda for scholars of engineering processes. E.g. concepts such as front-loading, different forms of concurrent engineering, and waterfall are now part of the standard toolbox.
Lecture by Martha Arango, "Beyond Research", semiotics
During period 3 and 4, there will be lectures between 10:00 to 12:00 for IDEkex'et, MF116X. As the students are about 30 there is room for a few more, so if any teachers are interested then you are most welcome! Subject to any changes.
Study at KTH Machine Design, get an award from Porsche
Magnus MackAldener, former Ph.D. Student at KTH Machine Design, has received Ferdinand Porsche's award for outstanding research in vehicle development.
- New professor at the unit of Systems and Component Design
KTH Eco Cars - see more tonight in Vetenskapens Värld at 20:00 in SVT2
One usually compete to see who is the fastest, but at KTH Machine Design the focus now is to compete to see who can drive the furthest. With the least energy consumption.
Update on The Robot Project: Robyn meets the robot
During Thursday 21 November, Robyn returned for a visit to KTH concerning the work on her robot.
New Adjunct Professor at MMK division IPU
From January 1st 2015 Anders Johansson has received an appointment as Adjunct Professor at the MMK division Integrated Product Development (IPU).
MMK employee wins award
Jennie Björk, Associate professor at KTH Machine Design with the division Integrated Product Development (IPU), has won the Mariano Corso Best Practical Implications Award as a co-author.
More about Rebrake - the European cooperation for development of environmentally friendly car brakes
Since 1 March this year, the unit System and Component Design at KTH department of Machine Design, along with the Italian brake manufacturer Brembo SpA and the University of Trento (Italy) has been working to reduce harmful airborne particles that comes from the brakes on our cars.
Lecture by Per Hamid Ghatan (KI), "The Brain"
During period 3 and 4, there will be lectures between 10:00 to 12:00 for IDEkex'et, MF116X. As the students are about 30 there is room for a few more, so if any teachers are interested then you are most welcome! Subject to any changes.
MMK´s latest appointed professor introduces himself
Anders Hultqvist is Machine Design's latest addition in terms of professorships. He can be found at the division of Internal Combustion Engines and below is a link to a video presentation where Anders presents himself and his research area.
Wave Power Seminar at KTH
During Wednesday 18th April, a seminar was held at KTH (for full program, please see below) and a grand opening of a Wave Power Test Bench located at KTH Machine Design.
KTH researchers in place at Almedalen
On Monday 28th of June the annual Almedalen week on Gotland will start. There a series of KTH researchers will be available through a large number of seminars.
- Interview with Professor Mats Magnusson in the e-magazine t:
Study of the Back-to-Back Test Method for Embedded Systems in Hardware-Software Integration Context
Shangning Wang presents his MSc project work. Welcome!
Performance evaluation of HTTP servers in embedded systems
Daniel Lind will defend his MSc. thesis with the above title. The thesis will be examined by Mats Hanson and was supervised by Sagar Behere.
MMK students wins competition
Venture Cup is the leading contest for those who want to develop their business idea into a successful business concept and start a business. Annually 1.8 million SEK is awarded to innovative business ideas and entrepreneurs with the aim of contributing to a sustainable Swedish growth.
CPS Education Development Workshop at UC Berkeley
What competences should a future CPS engineer be equipped with? Professor Martin Törngren (Dept of Machine Design, Mechatronics/ICES) gathered leading education developers and industrial representatives to consider this question in a very well-attended workshop at UC Berkeley.
Debate article at
Recently a debate article was published at* namely "Utan innovationer stannar Sverige - men vem leder arbetet?". Authors were, among others, professor Mats Magnusson at KTH Machine Design, division IPU.
KTH Machine Design is facing a new paradigm within product development
The starting point for much of the research and teaching carried out at KTH Machine Design is that companies are the source of innovation. Now, research shows that even users, to a far greater extent than was previously thought, is a source of innovation and a new product development paradigm is taking shape.
- Contact Mechanics Theories behind Helical 3d
New ship offers 16 percent lower environmental impact
Now KTH researchers have been involved in producing a ship named Cargo Xpress. The environmental impact of Cargo Xpress is on average 12 percent lower than freight by truck and compared to conventional vessels gives Cargo Xpress full 16 percent lower emissions.
Research activities on braking by friction
Professor Yannick Desplanques from Laboratoire Méchanique de Lille will be in charge of this seminar.
MMK's centre ICES has a new website
After working for several months the new site was up and running for the first time on Monday morning.
Tribological Problems in Gears I and II (KM) by Klaus Michaelis
Guest lecture by Klaus Michaelis from FZG TU Münich.
Vital activity at the Design Faculty
Today the Design Faculty employs 53 Ph.D. Students from 12 different colleges and universities around the country. Since the start in 2008 there are ten Ph.D. design doctors.
Holistic Design Methodology för Mechatronic Systems
The Mechatronics Division will shortly be published in the IMechE’s Journal of Systems & Control Engineering. Daniel Malmquist and Daniel Frede, along with their supervisor Jan Wikander, have written a paper on how to achieve quick optimsation and evaluation of mechatronic system design concepts using a new concurrent and holistic methodology.
- System design choices in smart autonomous networked irrigation systems
- Powertrain dynamic torque reduction using clutch slip control
- Diagnostic of sensors, transfer pipes, filters, transfer- and feed pumps
Transportation Research Lab gets a new partner
Previously Integrated Transport Research Lab (ITRL), linked to KTH Machine Design, has embarked on a collaborative project with Scania regarding the future transport sector. Now another participant has decided to take part in this cooperation.
Instruments for the Measurements of Gas Born Particles in the Automotive Industry by Hans Grimm
Guest lecture by Hans Grimm from GRIMM Aerosol Technik in Germany.
Lecture by Jan Voxing who is Design Manager at POC
During period 3 and 4, there will be lectures between 10:00 to 12:00 for IDEkex'et, MF116X. As the students are about 30 there is room for a few more, so if any teachers are interested then you are most welcome! Subject to any changes.
Developing Modeling Languages - Two Models
A major problem facing many engineers today is the sheer scale of information exchange and communication required in product and process development projects. This particularly affects Mechatronics engineers, who are not only reliant on their multidisciplinary knowledge and skills to tackle the task in front of them, but are also an increasingly in need of a broader awareness – alertness, even - when interacting across disciplines with other design teams and stakeholders.
- New unit manager at Mechatronics
Paving the way for Cyber-Physical Systems
Mechatronics professors Martin Torngren and De-Jiu Chen are behind KTH’s involvement in a new EU project within the field of Cyber‐Physical Systems (CPS), which can be broadly defined as the integration of computation (the Cyber part) and physical processes. While such systems are not new, the increased networking and deployment of embedded systems provides unprecedented opportunities and enables the development of larger scale systems that integrate the physical world, embedded systems and the internet.
Machine Design has received it´s first Ph.D. on the subject of Product and Service Design
On Wednesday the 3rd of September Loove Broms became the first in the department of Machine Design to receive his Ph.D. on the subject of Product and Service Design. The title of his thesis is: Storyforming - Experiments in creating discursive engagements between people, things, and environments.
Professor Martin Törngren in SVT news show Gomorron Sverige
Under the title "Självkörande bilar snart i en bilkö nära dig" professor Martin Törngren, KTH Machine Design, division Mechatronics, is being interviewed about the future techology of cars.
MMK students wins competition
Venture Cup is the leading contest for those who want to develop their business idea into a successful business concept and start a business. Annually 1.8 million SEK is awarded to innovative business ideas and entrepreneurs with the aim of contributing to a sustainable Swedish growth.
Invited talk by Ivica Crnkovic
Ivica Crnkovic is a professor in Software Engineering at Mälardalens University in Västerås.
Disc Brake Tribology Thermomechanics and Vibrations by Philipe Dufrénoy
Guest lecture by Professor Philipe Dufrénoy from Polytech Lille, France.
MMK students nominated for Lilla Polhemspriset 2015
Lilla Polhemspriset is awarded annually for the best thesis of the MSc programme or equivalent in Sweden. The prize is worth 50 000 SEK. The assessment of the contributions is performed by Lilla Polhemsprisets committee consisting of senior engineers.
- ICES Newsletter October 2013
Rolling Bearings by Bo Jacobson
Guest lecture by Professor Emeritus Bo Jacobson from Lunds Tekniska Högskola.
Update on The Robot Project: The robot named!
According to the previously established schedule, the project would be completed in early January. But just before Christmas, a bit ahead of schedule, the students were able to present their creation in front of tutors, friends and families.
New car brakes will provide cleaner urban environment
On March 1, 2013 a new research project called Rebrake will start, a project that will last for four years. Below you can read more about what Jens Wahlström, lecturer at KTH, which is one of the scientists involved, have to tell you about Rebrake.
Human Interactions by Roger Lewis
Guest lecture by Professor Roger Lewis from the University of Sheffield / KTH Machine Design.
- Engine start/stop vibrations in truck
- Research project: Quiet-Track
Lecture by Cecilia Hertz (former employee of NASA), "Umbilical Design"
During period 3 and 4, there will be lectures between 10:00 to 12:00 for IDEkex'et, MF116X. As the students are about 30 there is room for a few more, so if any teachers are interested then you are most welcome! Subject to any changes.
ICES Newsletter - February 2013
The 22nd ICES Newsletter, including new event dates, was circulated on 19 February 2013 - download as pdf (via link below).
Vacancy: Professor of Combustion Engineering
Right now there is a vacant position as Professor of Combustion Engineering in the department of Machine Design out under "Vacant positions KTH." More information about the position can be found below (please note that ad is in Swedish only!):
Mattias Nyberg is the new Adjunct Professor at Mechatronics
Mattias comes from Scania, where he worked as an Expert Engineer at Electrical Systems predevelopment and becomes adjunct professor of Dependable Control Systems.
Two years of successful Innovation Pilots
During the summer of 2013 the second edition of the Innovations Pilots were completed. Just as the previous round, in the summer of 2012, involved companies and students were very happy with the process and the results. The Innovation Pilots is a result from PIEp: research and knowledge regarding innovation capability and change management packaged in a way to be applicable and useful to companies and organizations that want to increase their innovations capability. The project PIEp Innovations Pilots is funded by VINNOVA.
Students compete in Rotterdam
The 15-18 May students from KTH Machine Design will compete in the Shell Eco-marathon which takes place in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
KTH Drive - a research project to stimulate public transportation
Among other things, the project seeks to determine whether access to electric cars at work can attract people to leave their cars at home and instead use public transportation.
- ICES Newsletter October 2015
KTH researchers are testing tomorrow's automotive engineering
- We are probably first in the world in this type of vehicle research, says Peter Georén at KTH Machine Design, Transport Labs.
Swedish studies boosts career
The interest in learning Swedish among foreign students has increased. Last year there were 230 participants in the KTH Swedish course, which is available in four levels. This year Eva Lövstedt Panova, teacher in KTH's Swedish course, believes that there will be over 300 participants.
New Prototyping Centre at KTH Machine Design
KTH Machine Design is investing in the latest technology in the field of rapid prototyping! Both researchers and students will benefit from the plan to install a range of state of the art equipment over the next few years.
- ICES Newsletter August 2013
MMK students builds a car in the USA
Getting to do a thesis in Silicon Valley may seem like a dream. But for Joel Persson and Jacob Lehander it became reality. They were exported to the United States to build a test vehicle based on the KTH concept vehicle RCV.
Numerical solution of wheel-rail contact and its application to rolling contact fatigue and wear
Doctor Zili Li of the Section of Road and Railway Engineering, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), will be in charge of this seminar.
Three quick questions to a Ph.D. Student
Katarina Lund, industrial Ph.D. Student at Scania, is affiliated with the division of Integrated Product Development and studies how employees at Scania manage to make room for creativity in an environment of high demands for productivity.
- ICES Newsletter April 2014
- Exhaust analyser for simplified emissions testing on heavy duty vehicles
Project in Combustion Engineering: Laser measurements in engine intake
The unit for internal combustion engines is carrying out a laser measurement project to gain understanding of the mixing between air and EGR in the engine intake. EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) is used to decrease the harmful NOx emissions of a diesel engine.
New Associate Professor at MMK division IPU
From January 28th 2015 Jennie Björk has been employed as Associate Professor in Product Innovation at MMK division Intergrated Product Development (IPU).
Mechatronics professor invited as a Keynote Speaker
Martin Torngren, professor with the Mechatronics unit at the department of Machine Design, has been invited as a Keynote Speaker at the 7th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques.
- Contact Mechanics Measurements
Best paper award for Ph.D. Student in Tribology
Saeed Abbasi, a Ph.D. Student in the division of Systems and Component Design, was presented as the winner of SAGE Best Paper award in 2012.
Rust + water droplets = low adhesion on the track
The research results of Yi Zhu, Ph..D Student in Tribology, shows that ordinary rust together with high levels of humidity and low temperature can reduce the friction significantly in the tiny contact zone between steel rail and steel railway wheel.
ITRL in Aftonbladet TV
Peter Georén, Project Manager of ITRL (Integrated Transport Research Lab) which is a competence centre connected to MMK, has recently appeared in Aftonbladet TV.
Transport Demo Day 2013
The centre KTH Transport Lab at Machine Design has an annual event, Transport Demo Day, which this year was held on 7 May.
KTH students and the automotive industry cooperates in cutting edge research
In the division of Internal Combustion Engine’s advanced course MF2064 the final year students are assigned to work as test engineers. The work is carried out in a research project that the students themselves mainly will control. The projects are commissioned by the automotive industry and this year's industry partners are Scania and AVL.
- Contact Mechanics Theories behind Helical 3d
The rheological characterization of jetting fluids at high shear rates using a piezo axial vibrator
Olov Rosén will defend his MSc. thesis with the above title. The thesis will be examined by Jan Wikander.
Two disputations and two seminars
On the 22 November this year, two of the Ph.D. Students of System and Component Design will present their Ph.D.´s. The two are Yi Zhu and Saeed Abbasi, who both have researched in the field of Tribology.
"The Robot Project" wins several awards in 2014
The project, which involved the well-known Swedish artist Robyn along with students from MMK division Mechatronics, started in spring 2013 and was completed in March 2014.
Underwater kites could be next wave in clean energy
KTH Machine Design is currently involved in a major European effort concerning offshore and renewable energy technology up to this date.
New adjunct professor in Cyber-Physical Systems
Starting 1 June 2015, Elena Fersman has been employed as adjunct professor of Cyber-Physical Systems in the division of Mechatronics at the department of Machine Design (MMK).
CIM Best Paper Award 2012
Jens Hemphälä and Mats Magnusson, researchers at KTH Machine Design, has for their article "Networks for Innovation - But What Networks and What Innovation?" CIM won Best Paper Award 2012.
Student project at Machine Design drew attention during President Obama's visit
During his visit at KTH President Obama had the opportunity to both see and feel the fuel-cell car Sleipner. Students at KTH Machine Design has been involved in the development of this prototype.
Will your next car be electric?
There are several ongoing EV initiatives in Sweden where Elbil2020 in Hammarby Sjöstad is one. Elbil2020 is citizen driven and aim to make Hammarby Sjöstad a global leader in EV adoption by 2020. In a newly started research project funded by Energimyndigheten, a research group at KTH in cooperation with Elbil2020 will conduct research on users of EVs. Integrated Product Development at Machine Design will participate in the research project by researching users’ role in EV innovations as well as shedding light on the challenges that early EV users are currently experiencing. This research will be conducted by Dr Jenny Janhager Stier and newly appointed PhD student Jens Hagman.
Mechatronics Masters Student recognized by IEEE
Mechatronics MSc Student Wim Devesse recently won the Best Student Conference Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), for his paper "A real-time optimal control method for swing-free tower crane motions".
KTH and Scania signs agreement on new transport center
On Friday 10 October a short seminar will be held in conjunction with the official signing of the co-operation between KTH and Scania. The new transport center will be named Integrated Transport Research Lab (ITRL).
- The work to build a new Russian elite university continues
New Mechatronics People for Autumn 2014
In case you all wondered who the hugely successful MMK staff team were at the 2014 Masters Kick-off Competition on Wednesday, we are very pleased to introduce 3 new members of the Mechatronics Division, photographed below, with Abbos Ismoilov (far right) from SKD.
Rolling Optics. Innovation and Design
During period 3 and 4, there will be lectures between 10:00 to 12:00 for IDEkex'et, MF116X. As the students are about 30 there is room for a few more, so if any teachers are interested then you are most welcome! Subject to any changes.