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Kjetil Falkenberg

Profile picture of Kjetil Falkenberg

Associate professor

About me

My research focus is on music and expressivity, and particularly how music technology and interaction with sound can be a natural part of everyday life, play, training, and rehabilitation. I have a cross-disciplinary background in pedagogy, music science and music technology. I am a member of the Sound and Music Computing Group and lead the NAVET Thematic Work Group Music For All.

Research interests

All the links below go to the portfolio pages with freely downloadable papers.

The turntable and scratching

Rehabilitation and training through active listening

Sound installations and new interfaces for musical expression

Computer-assisted tutoring for musical instrument learning

Sonification of measured data such as body motion and gestures

Expressiveness and emotion in music

Pedagogical development


Ongoing projects

Music for all (funded by NAVET)

Inclusive Digital Learning (funded by VR)

Development of a haptic and visual system to improve environmental awareness and counteract social isolation for individuals with hearing impairments (funded by Promobilia Foundation)

Past projects

Fictitious Soundscapes: Preferences for urban sound environments of the future among hearing impaired (funded by NAVET)

Courses in design for all at KTH and Södertörn University (funded by PTS)

Virtuella lärmiljöer för grupparbete mellan seende och svårt synskadade elever (funded by Vinnova)

Sonification of goods in a store: a pilot study on theft prevention in retail through sound and music (funded by Hakon Swenson Foundation)

Sweet-sounding shop goods: A general and applicable method for an improved working environment and fewer thefts in retail (funded by The Swedish Retail and Wholesale Council)

The Soundscraper (funded by Promobilia Foundation)

The Sound Park (funded by PTS)

Music Puzzle (funded by JSPS)

ISHT (funded by KK Foundation)

Sound to Sense, Sense to Sound (funded by EU)

VEMUS (funded by EU)

IMUTUS (funded by EU)

BrainTuning (funded by EU)

Sounding Objects (funded by EU)

AGNULA (funded by EU)


Docent in Media Technology. Södertörn University (2015)

Pedagogy for eduaction at university level, KTH (2014)

Doctor of Technology in Speech and music communication. KTH, Dep. of Speech, music and hearing (2010)

Master in musicology. NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim (2000)

Bachelor with additional courses, Teacher education. Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag (1999)

Memberships and more

Nordic Sound and Music Computing Network

Swedish Network on Disability Research

Nordic Network on Disability Research

Aural Diversity Network

Musical Care International Network

The Design Research Society

Jury Utställningen Unga Forskare

Co-chair of the 2023 Sound and Music Computing Conference

Co-chair of the 2019 International Sonification workshop

Co-chair of the Sample Music Society

Co-chair of the TEI 2018 Student Design Challenge

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Advanced Individual Course in Music Communication (DT2215), teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Interactive Media Technology, Second Cycle (DA232X), examiner, teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Media Technology, First Cycle (DM128X), teacher | Course web

Human Centered Technology for Disabilities (DM2624), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Human Perception for Information Technology (DM2350), teacher | Course web

Multimodal Interaction and Interfaces (DT2140), assistant | Course web

Musical Communication and Music Technology (DT2213), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Sound (DT1175), examiner, course responsible, teacher, assistant | Course web

Sound in Interaction (DT2300), teacher | Course web