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AGI14 - VIC - KTH Open House


AGI14 Open House

What: Students of Advanced Graphics and Interaction presented their projects to an open audience of hundreds from many different sectors and all ages as their final examination in the course.

When: Friday, Dec 5, 2014: 15:00-19:00.

Where: Visualization Studio VIC, KTH (Directions, Map).

Who: Everyone iwas welcome!

RSVP?: Please RSVP to this Doodle. Come prepared to ask many questions..¶ Contact: Mario Romero


First Projects: 6 weeks, presented: ForskarFredag, Comic Con, and Open House YA3 - You are a Tree YA3, You Are a Tree, is an experience of creation through movement. A performer's body movements captured on a Microsoft Kinect map to the contortions of a growing tree for a meditative experience of creation and reflection.

Students: Axel Lewenhaupt, Søren Hansen, Philip Sköld, and Daniel Månsson

2Pacs 2Pacs is a collaborative game where two players armed with wii motes control a deranged Pac-man across a labyrinthine landscape while ghosts give endless chase. Each player has their own controller and view of the game and, together, they embody 2Pac.

Students: Linnea Blom, Ludwig Pethrus Engström, Mattias Lönnerberg, and Christoffer Wiss

Thrust Yourself In Thrust Yourself, a player embodies a space walker dying to get home... literally running out of oxygen. The player controls the space walker through a combination of Wii MotionPlus and nun-chuck and views space through the virtual reality of an Oculus Rift.

Students: Stefan Etoh, Oscar Friberg, and Johan Bäckman

PodRacer PodRacer is an immersive virtual reality game where the player controls a two-engine pod, as in Star Wars Episode 1, through two haptic controllers. Students used an Oculus Rift and two Novint Falcons.

Students: Carl Ahrsjö, Anton Warnhag, and Johan Storvall

Second Projects: 4 weeks, presented: Open House

mARio mARio is an augmented reality Nintendo Mario-style game where multiple people experience the game play from their own perspectives either wearing an Epson Moverio BT-200 or by looking through a tablet.

Students: Stefan Etoh, Oscar Friberg, Johan Bäckman, Mattias Lönnerberg, and Linnea Blom

invadAR invadAR is an augmented reality game where a player defends a city from a group of space invaders. The player must move around to uncover invaders hidden behind buildings.

Students: Ludwig Pethrus Engström, Carl Ahrsjö, Johan Storvall, Anton Warnhag, and Christoffer Wiss

duelAR duelAR is an augmented reality game where two players create and place virtual spells on each other.

Students: Axel Lewenhaupt, Søren Hansen, Philip Sköld, and Daniel Månsson

Students: Students in AGI14

More Photos: Comic Con - Gamex 2014