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Open House

Students of Advanced Graphics and Interaction present some projects in their Open House as final examination in the Visualization Studio VIC. Please read about the projects below. Who: We presented to an open audience. Everyone is welcome. The event is open and free. Contact: Mario Romero Where: Visualization Studio VIC

Projects VIRTUAL-SCULPTING-570x455.png Web Video Virtual Sculpting iis a molding tool where users shape a virtual 3D model with body gestures. PLANETARY-DEFENCE-570x455.png Web Video Planetary Defence is a mobile, multi-platform, multi-player online 3D graphics game. DUSTSTORM-570x455.png Web Video Dust Storm is a 3D graphics game where players survive by orienting a particle canon through hand gestures. BASEJUMP-570x455.png Web Video Basejump is first-person 3D simulated full-body experience of wingsuit BASE jumping.