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1.4.c First Year Project Course in Electrical Engineering

first cycle, first year – 7,5 credits

Developing new technical systems is today a process that requires not only technical knowledge but also a structural approach including problem definition, planning, communication and team work. To get an insight into electro-technical project work a practical task is combined with theoretical studies of project management. The course consists of planning, carrying out and presenting an electrical engineering task as a project and the task represents an activity in the field of electrical engineering at KTH.

The theoretical part consists of project models, project management, documents in project management like start-up report and progress report and finally concluding and evaluating a project. The practical part consists of planning, carrying out and presentation of a technical task. The projects are carried out in teams of 3-5 students at the different laboratories belonging to the school of electrical engineering. Examples of projects include: construct a wireless communication system using a microphone, a speaker and a computer and perform a feasibility study of wind mills on islands in the Stockholm archipelago.

Administrator Oskar Bergman created page 18 August 2014

Administrator Marie Magnell changed the permissions 27 January 2015

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