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1.4.i Degree Programme in Design and Product Realisation – 300 credits

Degree Programme in Design and Product Realisation – 300 credits

The programme has its base in production and design, and combines traditional engineering courses with courses in design and product development. The programme provides students with knowledge on the entire product development process, from concept to finished product. Studies contain both theoretical and practical elements. In Years 1-3 students take a number of courses in design and product development, one course each term. Here students learn how a design process works, how to work in a user-centered manner, how to visualise and communicate ideas and how to apply knowledge from other theoretical courses in a product development perspective. These courses are most often project-based where design, construction and production are integrated.

Administrator Oskar Bergman created page 18 August 2014

Administrator Marie Magnell changed the permissions 27 January 2015

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