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1.4 Courses and Programmes in the Guide

In addition to the five compelling examples described above, a number of courses and degree programmes are mentioned in the guide. These courses and programmes are briefly described in this section.

The courses and programmes are:

  • Degree project in Biotechnology (1.4.a)
  • Master's level project course in Communication Systems Design (1.4.b)
  • First year project course in Electrical Engineering (1.4.c)
  • Bachelor's level project course in Electronic Design (1.4.d)
  • Master's level project course in Media Technology: Future of Media (1.4.e)
  • Master's level project course in Integrated Product Development (1.4.f)
  • Lightweight Design/Naval Design (1.4.g)
  • Open Lab, Innovations for the emerging city (1.4.h)
  • Degree programme in Design and Product Realisation (1.4.i)
  • Degree programme in Electrical Engineering (1.4.j)
  • Degree programme in Information and Communication Technology (1.4.k)

Administrator Marie Magnell created page 19 January 2015

Administrator Marie Magnell changed the permissions 27 January 2015

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