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1. A guide for inspirationEveryone2015-01-27
1.1 Using the guideEveryone2015-01-27
1.2 Challenge driven projects in engineering educationEveryone2015-01-27
1.3 Challenge driven projects – five compelling examples Everyone2015-01-27
1.3.1 Solar-powered energy-efficient router enables broadband in rural Tanzania Everyone2015-01-27
1.3.2 Bridging communication gaps between different care providersEveryone2015-01-27
1.3.3 Unmanned, solar-powered boats win Japanese challengeEveryone2015-01-27
1.3.4 Dry toilets – the basis of a sanitation enterprise in Dar es SalaamEveryone2015-01-27
1.3.5 A market-modified flood pump for a changing world Everyone2015-01-27
1.4 Courses and Programmes in the GuideEveryone2015-01-27
1.4.a Degree Project in BiotechnologyEveryone2015-01-27
1.4.b Master’s Level Project Course in Communication Systems DesignEveryone2015-01-27
1.4.c First Year Project Course in Electrical EngineeringEveryone2015-01-27
1.4.d Bachelor’s Level Project Course in Electronic DesignEveryone2015-01-27
1.4.e Master’s Level Project Course in Media Technology: Future of MediaEveryone2015-01-27
1.4.f Master’s Level Course in Integrated Product DevelopmentEveryone2015-01-27
1.4.g Lightweight Design/Naval Design: Master’s LevelEveryone2015-01-27
1.4.h Open Lab, Innovations for the Emerging CityEveryone2015-01-27
1.4.i Degree Programme in Design and Product Realisation – 300 credits Everyone2015-01-27
1.4.j Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering – 300 creditsEveryone2015-01-27
1.4.k Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology – 300 creditsEveryone2015-01-27
1.5 Quick GuideEveryone2015-01-27
2. Course Design and Project TasksEveryone2015-01-27
2.1 Start with a wider perspectiveEveryone2015-01-27
2.2 Frame the Intended Learning OutcomesEveryone2015-01-27
2.3 Choose and formulate project tasksEveryone2015-01-27
2.4 Integrated learning activitiesEveryone2015-01-27
2.4.1 Learning to be creative Everyone2015-01-27
2.4.2 Project planning modelsEveryone2015-01-27
2.4.3 Peer Learning and Peer FeedbackEveryone2015-01-27
2.4.4 Ways of organizing lectures and meetingsEveryone2015-01-27
3. Setting up and working with teams of studentsEveryone2015-01-27
3.1 Setting up the teamsEveryone2015-01-27
3.2 Team processes and coaching issues Everyone2015-01-27
4. Assessing project work and solutions and evaluating the courseEveryone2015-01-27
4.1 Formative and summative assessment – feedback for learning, or feedback on learningEveryone2015-01-27
4.2 Assessment criteriaEveryone2015-01-27
4.3 Individual assessment in a group settingEveryone2015-01-27
4.4 Assessment forms: Ways for students to communicate results and performanceEveryone2015-01-27
4.4.1 Writing: Reflections, log books, portfolios and reportsEveryone2015-01-27
4.4.2 PrototypingEveryone2015-01-27
4.4.3 Oral presentationEveryone2015-01-27
4.5 Intellectual property rights and Non-disclosure agreementsEveryone2015-01-27
4.6 Evaluating and improving your courseEveryone2015-01-27
5. Final wordsEveryone2015-01-27
6. ReferencesEveryone2015-01-27
7. Contributors and additional information about the GuideEveryone2015-01-27

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