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1.4.e Master’s Level Project Course in Media Technology: Future of Media

second cycle, fifth year – 10 credits

Through theoretical knowledge building within a current area in media technology, combined with practical elements and projects, the students are trained for future independent projects within technical innovation and development. The course is project- and problem oriented and integrates students' expertise in different areas of media technology through the study of problems of such a nature that they demand a mix of different competencies in order to be solved.The topic of the year determines other elements to be included in the course and examples of topics are “Future of computer games”, “Future of television” and “Future of news”. The results will be presented in a written report and most students also make a film in which the project results are presented. Teams of five-seven students.

LINK: http://futureofmedia.se/news/

Administrator Oskar Bergman created page 18 August 2014

Administrator Marie Magnell changed the permissions 27 January 2015

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