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1.4.f Master’s Level Course in Integrated Product Development

second cycle, fifth year – 24 credits

The overall objective of the course is that students should be able to describe, compare and explain different aspects of working in complex product development. The pedagogical model of the course is reflective learning through the theory section mixed with practical exercises, critical discussion and project work. In teams and with an industry partner the students are to carry out a product development project, from idea to finished prototype.

The course also includes planning and implementing a project organization and, when necessary, changing this organization to suit the phases in the product development project. There are also group assignments that will be presented at seminars where the students learn and get feedback from each other. Teams of 10-15 students.

Administrator Oskar Bergman created page 18 August 2014

Administrator Marie Magnell changed the permissions 27 January 2015

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