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The development of information and communication technologies (ICT) radically increases possibilities to coordinate traffic. How can this knowledge be used to design advanced integrated travel planners that provide both efficient decision support for travelers and a tool for local and regional planning for sustainable development? The project TRACS intends to describe how such travel planners can work, what they include and what is needed for widespread adoption.

An integrated travel planner provides information on walking, bike routes, public transport, car rides, parking, goods transport, taxi, mobility and delivery services, and eventually even booking and payment services. Travel planners in mobile devices may be a first step towards the development of advanced and efficient travel and transport services for companies and private users. The project has a specific interest in how mobile applications can optimize urban traffic and land use so that sustainable travel such as public transport, walking and biking benefits. The project consists of three parts:

  • Inventory of international examples of travel planners
  • Behavior – How can travel planners influence travel patterns in an environmentally positive way?
  • Institutional change – which institutional obstacles need to be overcome when introducing a travel planner (historical examples of previous success or failures).

Project leaders: Mattias Höjer, Anna Kramers (assistant project leader)

Partners: Ericsson, Institute for Futures Studies, Office of Regional Planning (Stockholm County Council), City of Stockholm, Swedish Transport Administration and

Period: 2010-2013.