Björn Hedin
Associate professor
About me
I am an associate professor at KTH, where my research concerns the individuals' and households' roles in a sustainable society, primarilly concerning the energy system. Special interest are inceasing "energy literacy" in society and how households and energy communities can be part of the smart grid. I have also done research within behaviour change for a sustainable food system.
I am also programme director of the Master of Science in Engineering and in Education programme.
I work at the the unit Learning in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) at the Department of Learning in Engineering Science, belonging to the School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
I am currently leading two research projects
- Feel the energy! Tactile learning about everyday energy use, funded by the Swedish Energy Agency (2022-2024)
- Designing digital technologies for supporting energy-related behavior change in the kitchen, funded by The Swedish Energy Agency (2019-2023)
I also participate in two more research project
- Energy communities - a common cause? funded by The Swedish Energy Agency (2022-2024)
- Game On? Identifying Environmentally Sustainable Trajectories for Video Games funded by The Swedish Energy Agency (2022-2025)
Some previous projects
- Smart storage solutions in the fridge of the future to reduce food waste funded by Vinnova (2019-2022)
- Smart grid stories from the home and participation in future electricity systems, funded by The Swedish Energy Agency (2019-2022)
- HabitWise - Creating sustainable everyday habits, funded by The Swedish Energy Agency (2019-2022)
- A systematic review of scientific literature on digital behavior change interventions for more sustainable energy behavior funded by Formas (2018-2021)
- A systematic review of scientific literature on digital behavoor change interventions for more sustainable food consumption behaviour, funded by Formas (2018-2020)
Interaction Design for the Solar Internet, funded by The Swedish Energy Agency (2021-2024)
Applied Behavioral Science and Learning: Nudging and Decision Making (LD1008), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Interactive Media Technology, Second Cycle (DA232X), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Technology and Learning, Second Cycle (LT200X), examiner, teacher | Course web
Environmental Psychology and behavior analysis (LD1002), examiner, assistant | Course web
Procrastination and Perfectionism (LD1003), examiner | Course web
Program Integrating Course in Media Technology (DM1578), teacher | Course web
Programme Integrating Course in Engineering and Education, year 1 (LT1041), teacher, assistant | Course web
Programme Integrating Course in Engineering and Education, year 2 (LT1042), teacher | Course web
Programme Integrating Course in Engineering and Education, year 3 (LT1043), teacher | Course web
Special Education - Youth and Adults (LT2035), assistant | Course web
Study Strategies for Effective Learning (LD1007), examiner | Course web