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KTH's Language Policy

In April 2010 the University Board decided to adopt a language policy for KTH. In April 2011 the University Board adopted a short version of the language policy. Both policy documents are available both in Swedish and English.

The language policy as a booklet is available at KTH Entré and may be downloaded here in Swedish and in English.

The task of the Language Committee is to monitor and implement the language policy and make its content known at KTH.

Since autumn 2018, a work on developing an updated language policy for KTH is ongoing. The work was described in September 2022 by Ida Pinho and Viggo Kann from the KTH Language Committee at the conference CercleS 2022 The Future of Language Education in an Increasingly Digital World: Embracing Change, Porto, Portugal: "The development of a new language policy at a technical university - an example".

Administrator Viggo Kann created page 23 October 2013

Administrator Viggo Kann changed the permissions 7 March 2015

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