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  Last Name First Name Title Phone
Pitti Estelle Doctoral student
Kölegård Roger Researcher
Stenholm Jonas Lecturer +46 8 790 94 50
Rashidy Kanan Hamidreza Postdoc
McCarren Lucy Doctoral student
Pena Escobar Francisco Assistant professor
Bergström Reine Lecturer +46 8 790 48 52
Halldin Peter Researcher +46 73 985 00 61
Moreno Rodrigo Professor +46 8 790 97 87
Linnaeus Staffan Lecturer +46 8 790 48 04
Remahl Linus Research Engineer
Granqvist Svante Associate professor +46 8 790 94 70
Said Elias Lecturer +46 8 790 48 19
Huang Qi Postdoc
Abtahi Farhad Researcher +46 70 468 90 02
Gonzalez Guve Bertil Associate professor +46 8 790 97 35
Yang Zhikai Doctoral student
Hjelm Niclas Lecturer +46 8 790 48 57
Jegerschöld Caroline Researcher
Raghothama Jayanth Associate professor
Zhang Qingyang Doctoral student
Johannesson Björn Research Engineer +46 70 465 43 01
Darwich Adam Associate professor +46 8 790 48 05
Li Chengbin Doctoral student
Möller Hampus Doctoral student
Cajander Anders Lecturer +46 8 790 97 91
Li Xiaogai Associate professor
Trask Catherine Associate professor
Meijer Sebastiaan Professor +46 8 790 80 71
Elia Antonis Researcher
Nyberg Tobias Researcher +46 8 790 48 65
Sillén Peter Lecturer +46 8 790 48 99
Ericson Mats Professor +46 70 560 40 54
Kornevs Maksims Lecturer
Wang Chunliang Researcher
Majdolhosseini Maryam Doctoral student
Bendazzoli Simone Doctoral student
Perra Emanuele Postdoc
Lindström Anders Lecturer +46 8 790 48 13
Jaldestad Ellen Researcher
Purhonen Pasi Researcher
Berg Hans Professor, gäst
Vandenbulcke Sarah Postdoc
Eriksson Andrea Professor +46 8 790 98 04
Håkansson Malin Lecturer
Claeys Lorena Doctoral student
Brandefelt Nicklas Associate professor +46 8 790 97 38
Dual Seraina Assistant professor +46 8 790 97 69
Kuoppamäki Sanna Assistant professor +46 8 790 97 31
Stenberg Gleisner Anna Klara Doctoral student
Dahlfors Joakim Lecturer +46 8 790 48 07
Moes Maaike Doctoral student
Hellstrand Mikaela Doctoral student
Panrike Johnny Lecturer +46 8 790 94 73
Sebelius Sara Lecturer +46 8 790 48 77
Breznik Eva Postdoc
Lu Tien-Ying Doctoral student
Fu Jingru Doctoral student
Palme Henrik Doctoral student
Zhou Zhou Assistant professor
Shamoun Maria Lecturer +46 8 790 97 12
Mudge Kyle Doctoral student
Lindberg Frida Senior officer +46 8 790 96 13
Melander Erik Lecturer +46 8 790 48 12
Gulda Max Teaching assistant
Colarieti Tosti Massimiliano Associate professor +46 8 790 48 61
Gennser Mikael Researcher
Köck Philip Associate professor +46 8 790 95 04
Norrbrand Lena Researcher
Permana Andrew Dwi Doctoral student
Orhan Ibrahim Lecturer +46 8 790 48 42
Boodaghian Asl Arsineh Doctoral student
Kleiven Svein Professor +46 8 790 64 48
Grönkvist Mikael Researcher +46 8 790 48 83
Larsson Matilda Professor +46 8 790 48 23
Sayfulaeva Dilja Research Engineer
Chaari Nada Postdoc
Smedby Örjan Professor +46 8 790 96 20
Willén Jonas Lecturer +46 8 790 48 53
Marques Sabioni Mariah Doctoral student
Rosato Aurora Doctoral student
Mårtensson Mattias Researcher +46 8 790 48 72
Forsman Mikael Professor +46 70 491 01 96
Chen Xin DOCTORAL STUDENT +46 72566029
Persson Sanna Doctoral student
Lindgren Natalia Doctoral student
Lahmann Martina Lecturer
Keramidas Michail Universitetslektor, bitr
Magkos Michail Doctoral student
Rose Linda Associate professor +46 8 790 94 96
Krishna Harsha Doctoral student
Eriksson Stefan Lecturer +46 8 790 48 09
Grishenkov Dmitry Associate professor +46 8 790 97 20
Jakobsson Martin Associate professor +46 8 790 48 33
Nilsson Mats Lecturer +46 8 790 48 62
Arfert Peter Technician +46 8 790 48 49
Chen Siyuan Doctoral student
Olsson Christoffer Postdoc