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The ITM Operations contract for 2016

When approaching a new year, each of the KTH schools signs a contract with our rector about the next year’s activities. On the educational side our mission is rather stable from year to year in terms of number new students and target numbers for graduations. For 2016 there is one major new activity, namely the start-up of the new BSc/MSc program on Industrial engineering and sustainability. The new program will be hosted by our campus in Södertälje. Associate professor Pernilla Ulfvengren has been appointed as program manager. Take a look at the program.

On the research side the operations contract is subject to more of “negotiations” about new research initiatives and new faculty positions which the different ITM departments put forward. If approved, new initiatives are usually funded for a period of two to five years. The process is roughly as follows;

  • Our rector announces the amount of financial resources that are available for new initiatives for the coming year and which the central priorities are. The total amount is determined on the one hand by any changes in the resources allocated to KTH from the ministry of education and on the other hand by the amount set free by earlier initiatives that end. For 2016 45 MSEK where available for the whole of KTH.
  • The ITM departments propose to the School which new initiatives they would like to see. Based on these proposals a rather transparent and open discussion and prioritization is taking place in the ITM management group. After this, a final prioritized list is defined as the ITM proposal to the rector. For 2016 ITM submitted a list with 17 different initiatives amounting to 10.3 MSEK for 2016 and 48.8 MSEK for the period 2016-2020.
  • The rector’s office (rector, dean, accounting….) then goes through proposals from all the schools and comes back with a proposed operations contract for each school. What the rector proposed for ITM for 2016 is an exception in the sense that the proposal goes beyond what we expected. The allocation in the contract is 9.9 MSEK for 2016 and 41.1 MSEK for the period 2016-2020.

The list of funded initiatives is:

Typ Benämning Per/år Antal år Total Institution
Miljöstöd Kyl- och värmepumpsteknik 750 4 3000 EGI
Centrum DMMS 1000 5 5000 IIP
Lektor Industrial marketing 900 4 3600 INDEK
Bitr lektor Additiv tillverkning 750 4 3000 MSE
Bitr lektor Cloud robotics 750 4 3000 IIP
Bitr lektor System och komponentdesign /additiv 750 4 3000 MMK
Bitr lektor Förnybara energikällor 750 4 3000 EGI
Bitr lektor Pulvermetallurgi/Snabba stelningsprocesser 750 4 3000 MSE
Bitr lektor Mekatronik /additiv 750 4 3000 MMK
Bitr lektor Additiv tillverkning 750 4 3000 IIP
Bitr lektor Hållbarhet och industriell dynamik 750 4 3000 INDEK
Satsning Post-docs Högtemperaturlab 500 5 2500 MSE
Bitr lektor Energi och utveckling 750 4 3000 EGI

/Jan Wikander, Dean of School