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February 2019
under General

Administrator Kris Granholm created page 19 March 2014

Administrator Patrik Gärdenäs changed the permissions 6 November 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av administratörer.
One user removed his/her comment
commented 3 February 2017

How about making a template for this in docx or similar format?

commented 14 March 2017

If anyone else is interested I made a quick latex template based on the above information and posted it on my github:

@Andreas, if you've produced a .docx version, consider making a template out of it and share it for others to use.

commented 25 January 2018

What is meant by "the principal", in this case? Hannes interprets it as the company where you will do your thesis, which sounds reasonable but I just want to make sure that is the case.

commented 29 January 2018

The word used in the Swedish translation is "uppdragsgivaren", which would indeed be interpreted as you suggest (if you're doing your thesis at a company).

One user removed his/her comment
One user removed his/her comment
January 2019
under General

Administrator Kris Granholm created page 19 March 2014

Administrator Olov Engwall changed the permissions 18 September 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av administratörer.
commented 24 January 2017

Hej, sitter och skriver en studieplan, Jag kan inte hitta när opposition ungefär äger rum under vt17? jag påbörjade mitt examensarbete p3. 

Undrar därför när det vanligtvis brukar äga rum?
Tack på förhand

commented 25 January 2017

Oppositionen sker i samband med en presentation så om du kollar när det finns presentationer vet du när det skulle kunna gå att opponnera om opponent ännu inte tilldelats till dessa presentatörer.

Administrator commented 25 January 2017

De flesta som börjar sitt exjobb i januari måste räkna med att göra oppositionen i slutet av maj eller i juni för det är då majoriteten av presentationer äger rum. Under februari-april sker ett fåtal presentationer så några kan opponera då. 

commented 13 January 2019

Brukar det finnas möjlighet att påbörja sitt exjobb i P4? 

December 2018
under General

Administrator Kris Granholm created page 17 March 2014

Administrator Patrik Gärdenäs changed the permissions 6 November 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av administratörer.
commented 17 January 2017

I have just received an e-mail from Anders Hedman asking us to upload our thesis proposal, and I wonder, is this the same as the thesis proposal? The one with a deadline of January 20th at midnight. Because if that is the case then it will be difficult for me to provide meaningful answers to all these 8 points in only a page of text.

Administrator commented 18 January 2017

Hi Rodrigo,

For January 20th it is sufficient that you follow the instructions in the email. (You can use more space as well.)

commented 30 December 2018

How should I parse the following sentence?

"Why and where will the practical part of the degree project be carried out?"

Does the "why" here ask for a motivation of carrying out the degree project at all or is the question 
asking why the degree project should be carried at at that specific location?

August 2018

Administrator Kris Granholm created page 21 February 2014

Administrator Olov Engwall changed the permissions 18 September 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av administratörer.
commented 11 November 2016

Länken till KTH-gemensamma mål och regler för exjobb leder till en sida som inte finns.

Administrator commented 12 November 2016

Har bytt ut länken mot en fungerande.

One user removed his/her comment
February 2017
Administrator Johanna Järnfeldt created event 21 February 2017
Administrator Johanna Järnfeldt edited 21 February 2017

Cancelled test 2

Måndag 2713 februari 2017 kl 13:00 - 14:00

rum 22


Administrator Johanna Järnfeldt created event 21 February 2017
Administrator Johanna Järnfeldt edited 21 February 2017

examinator titel svensk title  Presenter Opponent Examiner Location Supervisor Title and Abstract (paste title, insert abstract as note) Swedish Title

Administrator Johanna Järnfeldt edited 21 February 2017

ange plats

eExaminator titel svensk title

Administrator Johanna Järnfeldt edited 21 February 2017

Examinator Presentatör Opponent titel svensk title

Administrator Johanna Järnfeldt edited 21 February 2017

testevent exjob titel xxxxcancelled

SönTisdag 2614 februari 2017 kl 132:00 - 143:00

ange plats

Examinator Presentatör Opponent titel svensk title  ¶

June 2016
Administrator Johanna Järnfeldt created event 3 June 2016
Administrator Johanna Järnfeldt edited 3 June 2016

Master Thesis Presentations at CSC/MID in Media for June 2016in Media and HCI at CSC/MID

Click here to read about the Media presentations 

Click here to read about the HCI presentations¶

Warm welcome!

Administrator Johanna Järnfeldt edited 3 June 2016

Thursday 2 June 2016 at 00:00 - MonFriday 204 June 2016 at 00:00

Administrator Anders Hedman edited 4 June 2016

Click here to read about the Media presentations 

Click here to read about the HCI presentations

Warm welcome!

Administrator Anders Hedman edited 4 June 2016

Click here to read about the Media presentations ¶ Click here to read about theMedia presentation schedule¶

HCI presentations schedule

Administrator Anders Hedman edited 15 February 2017

Media pPresentation schedule

HCI presentation schedule

March 2016
under General

Administrator Kris Granholm created page 19 March 2014

Administrator Olov Engwall changed the permissions 18 September 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av administratörer.
commented 16 February 2015

Jag är precis klar med min specifikation och ska skicka in den. Men ser nu att instruktionerna här har ändrats en del den 12/2. Hoppas det är okej att man följt de instruktioner som stod har fram tills dess.

Mvh Elvis

Administrator commented 16 February 2015

Ja, det är fullt OK att lämna in specifikationen enligt tidigare instruktion. Det var jag som ändrade instruktionerna i slutet av förra veckan för att hjälpa er studenter att veta vad som är viktigt i specifikationen. Ingen ska behöva göra om något p.g.a. det.

commented 16 February 2015

In brief: I don't understand why there's two different pages for English and Swedish and not the same one accurately translated.

Detailed: The English version of this page shows the same Swedish text of the Swedish version (flag top-right corner). For English I have to access the link "Degree Project" at the bottom of the menu, and then follow a different structure and content.

commented 16 February 2015

Okej. Tack för det snabba svaret!

Administrator commented 17 February 2015

Answer to Andrea:

We are aware of the problem with different pages in Swedish and English and we are working on it. The reason is that the Swedish pages have been and are being significantly updated and improved and we have hesitated to make a major translation effort of the English pages before we have a stable Swedish version. We are however currently trying to patch the most apparent holes in the English version.

commented 17 February 2015

Thank you for the explanation Olov!

commented 8 March 2016

Min handledare bad mig även lägga till examinatorns namn.

commented 9 March 2016

Will this be made available in English?

commented 9 March 2016


February 2016
under General

Administrator Kris Granholm created page 19 March 2014

Administrator Olov Engwall changed the permissions 18 September 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av administratörer.
commented 15 February 2016

Länkarna under Planering och Källkritik leder till en skyddad blogg, det vill säga att de inte längre är åtkomliga. 

Administrator commented 25 February 2016


Det finns inga länkar vare sig under avsnittet Planering eller Källkritik.


Administrator commented 25 February 2016

... längre, eftersom jag tog bort dem efter påpekandet. /Olov