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Här visas ändringar i "Presentation" mellan 2014-02-24 10:39 av Kris Granholm och 2014-02-26 13:54 av Kris Granholm.

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Guidelines for making the oOral presentation at CSC

Guidelines for making the oral presentation at CSC You describe your work in your report. But you must also make an oral presentation at KTH.

All theses made at CSC will be presented orally at CSC. You wil find istructions when and how to book in the web pages for your thesis topic. Students, staff of CSC and other interested (eg, parents, relativies and boyfriends / girlfriends ) are welcome to attend. You should yourself invite your friends. Invitation to the thesis presentations are published in CSC's calendar available on the web, and on the pages for current topic on the web. For the oral presentation you will obviously need to prepare well. Very few people have the ability to unprepared make a good presentation. You should therefore think carefully about what you want to say and write notes. There is much to go through in a short time, which requires good preparation . The presentation will act as an inciter of interest for your report and the most important conclusions and in addition to the information that the audience (which is not likely to have read the report ) need to understand, interpret and discuss the findings . For example, a presentation of the problem, a description of what you have done, what results you have come up with, a discussion of how important of your work will be, what problems you have encountered and what you have not been able to resolve. You do not pick up everything from the report, but see it as an inciter of interest for the report. Please feel free to liven up the presentation with a brief demonstration on the computer if you have prepared for it. The presentation should take about 25 minutes + time for opposition and questions. Exactly 25 minutes can be difficult to achieve, but you should stay within 20-26 minutes. Shorter or longer than this indicates poor preparation . A poor presentation can be rejected. You will have to redo it later.