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Här visas ändringar i "Database of reports" mellan 2015-06-08 10:24 av Mårten Malmqvist och 2020-03-16 10:48 av Mats Nordahl.

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Report lists

Lists of dDegree project reports at CSC For each year a list of all the reports from thin computer science dDegree projects examined by CSC is compiled.¶ This list only exists in Swedish, so please see the Swedish version. Titles given in English indicate that the report is written in English.¶ For your guidance a translation of some crucial words is given here:¶
* Ämne = subject area
* Uppdragsgivare = provider of the project
* Handledare = supervisor
* Examinator = examiner
* Sammanfattning = abstract
* Rapport = report
Most of the reports can be found on the web. Reports not found there can be purchased from the CSC student office. Abstracts are also found on the web, but since it is up to the department to put it in the correct folder the report may appear on the list before the abstract appears.
reports are published in the DiVA database, and can be found be searching here.¶

Here are some lists of projects from earlier years (to be updated):¶

Degree projects 30 hp 2016

Degree project reports at CSCs 30 hp 20135

Report lists for Bachelor dDegree projects at CSC30 hp 2014¶