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What is a Degree Project?

What is a Degree Project (30hp) at CSC?

The degree project (exjobb) is not only an important part of the education. Many students consider it the most interesting and rewarding part, but also the part that is most demanding. It is the biggest course at KTH.

Photo: Jack Mikrut

The dregree project is an independent work resulting in an individually written report. Two students may work on related problems.

The degree project is normally performed within the specialization that the student has chosen. It may, however, be done in some other field provided that the student has enough knowledge within the subject area to do a good job. The exjobb should be a specialization it should not broaden the education.

The project task may be provided by one of the research labs at CSC or by an external provider. This may be a company or an organization in Sweden or abroad. The student must have a supervisor and an examiner at CSC. In case of an external provider of the task, the student also has a supervisor supplied by the external provider.

The project task for the degree project must be approved by the supervisor and the examiner at CSC and registered by the project coordinator of the subject area (see Contact) before the work may start. A written description of the task is needed at this early stage.

Since the degree project is examined by CSC the report is public.

At CSC there are several subjects in which the degree project may be performed. The subjects are listed in the "for students doing degree project" section. There are some differences in procedures and demands between the different subjects.

Included in all degree projects examined by CSC are:

  • a literature study, defined indivudually for each exjobb and including literature of direct relevance for the project (research articles, text books etc.)
  • a detailed specification and a time table for the project a project plan
  • a qualified investigation/analysis work
  • an oral presentation of the work
  • an opposition of another student's work
  • a conscientiously written scientific report in Swedish or English where the problem is introduced, different methods for the solution are discussed, the method chosen is presented, the solution and the results are described and the results are analyzed

There is a paper in English written for providers of degree projects describing what a degree project is. It is found by following the link to the right.
Everything that is said above goes for Master degree projects (30 credits on advanced level).